Privacy Policy


This site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Information, including product pricing and availability, may be changed or updated without notice. Hooser Custom Meats reserve the right to refuse service at its discretion, if Hooser Custom Meats believes that customer conduct violates applicable law or is harmful to the interests of Hooser Custom Meats and its subsidiaries.

Information Collection

When you use or access the Website, we may collect the personal information. This could include:

Contact information, such as your name, mailing address, email address, or phone number.

Business contact information such as business name, website, business representative’s contact information, and phone number.

Payment card information if you purchase something from our website.

Browser and Device Information:  Certain information may be automatically collected by most browsers or devices, such as information about user devices, operating systems, and browsers. Collecting IP addresses is standard practice and is done automatically by many websites.

Information Stored in Cookies and Pixels

We may use available web-based technologies to collect consumer data, such as cookies and pixels.

We may use various technologies to learn more about how visitors use the Website, such as Google Analytics.

Information Usage

We may use personal information that we collected about you for purposes that include the following:

To communicate with you when responding to your requests, purchase orders, or providing promotional materials.

To process, fulfill and provide updates on your orders.

To enhance your user experience by recognizing you when you use the Website and customizing your experience.

To debug, identify and repair errors, or effectuate similar functional enhancements in connection with our Website or other services.

To protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and participating in any prosecution or enforcement of laws or agreements meant to prevent or punish such activity.

Additional Collection

In addition, we may use information we collect automatically through cookies. We use this to provide, develop, maintain, personalize, protect, and improve our website and operate our business.

To perform analytics, including to analyze and report on usage and performance of the Website and marketing materials.

To protect against, identify, and prevent fraud and other unlawful activity.

For us and our affiliates, business partners, and select third parties to target, offer, market, or advertise products, programs, or services.

Shared Information

We may disclose the personal information that we collected about you to one or more of the following:

Our business customers.

Our affiliates.

Our business partners.

Our contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our organization.

Governmental bodies, such as law enforcement, a court of law, or regulators.

Such other parties as you may consent to or authorize.

Any disclosure of the personal information that we collected about you is for one or more of the following purposes:

To effectively communicate with you and others.

To respond to your requests and fulfill your purchase orders.

To deliver information or marketing, such as promotional materials or surveys.

To debug, identify and repair errors, or effectuate similar functional enhancements in connection with this Website or other services being provided or offered to you by us.

To protect the legal rights, property, safety, and security of us and others.

To comply with applicable law, other legal requirements, and industry standards.

To investigate or prevent unlawful activities or misuse of the Website.

To enforce our policies, terms of use, contracts, or other legal rights.

To protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and participating in any prosecution or enforcement of laws or agreements meant to prevent or punish such activity.

To fulfill a business or legal obligation consistent with our operations, such as processing your purchase order.

For any other purpose you authorize.